Friday, November 13, 2009

Edward vs. Jacob

I am writing this mostly to all the "Edward" fans. Edward is not all that. From seeing previews and trailors of the movies, Jacob is so much better. Despite the fact that Taylor thinks he has a baby face, at least he doesn't look creepy like Edward. I mean I would rather be friends with a wearwolf than a vampire. You can tell Edward is a one too because he is definitely lacking some vitamin D. In my opinion...he may need to have a tanning bed on hand 24/7. I have nothing against Twilight and I plan on reading the books soon, but from what i've seen, Jacob should dominate Edward anyday!!!


  1. NOOOO there is already plenty to SEE....Jacob is all you have to look at.

  2. when you will read the books, you will realize how annoying jacob really is and how often he tries to get in the way of true love, Bella and edward. it is very annoying so even though i'll admit jacob is good looking (despite the baby face) his character is too obnoxious for him to be liked. And you are completely wrong about edward looking creepy. He is beautiful, even if he is a little pale.

  3. you're gonna have to read the books before you make any final decisions and then you'll realize the truth about edward and how he's more awesome than jacob

  4. okay i will give edward a small chance until i read the books but even if jacob is annoying...I still think he looks better no matter what!

  5. It's not just about how they look either. Edward is a much sweeter person than Jacob. I will admit that when he proposed, I wanted to smack Bella for the way she acted.Personality matters too! But don't worry, I'll get the books for you. Then you'll see.

  6. Yea she should be smacked for that. I will have to admit a sweet guy is a lot better but im gonna have to wait till i read

  7. I agree about that Bella smacking. I usually like her and think she's a pretty strong person, but at that moment I wanted to scream at her. Edward will always be better and after you read the books, I hope you'll agree with those of us who are right.

  8. Yea maybe i will agree but its hard to get past looks in this case
