Monday, November 16, 2009

Future of Journalism

I have always enjoyed waking up on saturday and sunday mornings and reading the newspaper...not on the computer. The traditional feel of the paper between my fingers has always appealed to me. Although the speed of the internet and blogging has allowed news to reach different parts of the world in a split second, it just doesn't feel the same. In my opinion, looking at a computer screen in the morning is hard to do and its not comfortable to me. The newspaper has always been a major part of my life and its hard to imagine a world without a newspaper you can pick up and read.
I believe that the news world is changing and it may only be available by web in the future, but this does create a problem for journalists. According to the article The Future (We Hope) of Journalism, it is harder for journalists to support themselves as bloggers because it is harder to hold an audience. However, the author believes that journalism will continue because blogging can never "stand up to big government and big business." Instead journalism is needed to do this.

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